Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Update on Eagle Point Railroad

Here is the latest information from Eagle Point Railroad from Wednesday, March 26th. Sounds like they are working on developing a plan and will be able to share mroe information soon.

Here is the latest information from Eagle Point Railroad from Wednesday. Sounds like they are working on developing a plan and will be able to share mroe information soon.

Last night, the CSME officers, EPRR manager, Barry Garard, and Allison Mattox-King had an online meeting to discuss the steps necessary to systematically get the railroad back operational again.  There were many positive suggestions and ideas about how to achieve this goal with both time and materials in mind. 

The first goal is to get the double track operational out to Saddleback which will require some work on the Stillhouse trestle along with a few short sections of track that had small amounts of ties burned and rail kinking.  The second goal is to reach Cumberland, and their third goal will be to get around the swamp route leading up to the Kimble trestle.  We’d like to focus our efforts on these sections of the railroad to get things operational in a timely manner. 

This Saturday, March 29th, is going to be the planning day.  We are not planning to start any work but rather determine what materials will be needed to achieve the first goal.  This will also be a day to spend a considerable amount of time to determine exactly what repairs will be necessary to make the trestles safe to use.

After March 29th and planning is complete, we’re planning to have work days on all the Saturdays in April.  If there are days other than Saturdays that you have available to help, please contact Barry Garard or me (Dale King).  There have been discussions about providing food, drinks, etc. for the Saturday work days.  Prior to each of the Saturday workdays, I’ll pass along what is planned for each of those days.  We are planning to keep all members up to date with our overall progress.

 The Spring Card Order and Spring Meet are both canceled for this year along with a visit by Troop 77.  As we get closer to the month of May and the restoration continues, decisions will be made about any future events.  The celebration of the railroad’s 25 anniversary which was planned for the Spring meet will be held off until the Fall meet.  We are hopeful that we will get enough of the railroad up and running for the NARVRE and Knights of Columbus group visits.

While we did have some members that did lose equipment and/or buildings, we need to all remember to respect each other and not start clearing other member’s debris without their permission.


CSME / EPRR Disaster Meeting Summary for March 25, 2025

Attendees: Amanda Murphy, Steve Wassell, Dale King, Pat Collins-Mattox, Paul Boberg, Barry Garard, Allison Mattox-King

Initial Thoughts

  • There is no emergency to rebuild. We are at a safe place now as the fire is basically contained. Everyone is safe.

  • We are overwhelmed by the support from the Fredonia community, and from Live Steam Clubs.

  • Moving forward EPRR and CSME will work together for common goals.

  • All material orders need to be coordinated by CSME.


  • Do not enter areas of burnt buildings. Only the building owners should be in those areas unless you are asked by them for help.

  • As always, DO NOT WALK ON BRIDGES. Most bridges are in bad shape, and we don’t need anyone getting hurt.

  • No Trains on track for now. As this changes we will let you know.

  • EPRR is closed to all trains for the moment. When this changes, members will be notified.

  • A crew will be assigned to assess trees. There are some that were damaged because they were next to structures or firewood that burned so hot it has partially eaten away at the base of the trees.  Some will be brought down for safety reasons.

  • Safety Gear: At a minimum you must wear closed toe shoes, but boots are preferred. Gloves should be worn as there are a lot of exposed nails and screws. A new waiver is being drafted that we will ask everyone to sign to ensure you are aware of the safety concerns.

Immediate Needs

On Saturday, March 29 we will be performing an assessment.

  • We will inventory what we have and determine what we need to start work. We will organize groups to assess areas of the railroad. We expect to have a detailed list of work by mile post.

  • New milepost parkers will be posted to allow for this assessment.


Building Standards

  • As we build back, we will be keeping our standards and will not allow for temporary work. This includes not placing wooden bents at bridges on soil. We will pour concrete footing as necessary. We will use the best-preserved wood as possible.

  • We will consider using steel on some bridges.

  • Low bridges may be replaced with culverts.

Community Help

  • ACCU-TIE will donate one skid of plastic ties.

  • Deborah Mynatt offered to supply lunches and CSME has offered to help cover costs

  • Randy Townsend has an offer from a group in Huntsville if we need help clearing.

  • Mid-South, NGLS, Illinois Live Steamers, Pennsylvania Live Steamers offering work parties with enough notice.

  • Plum Cove started go fund me to help with bridge rebuild and members replacing flat cars and engines.


  • We will hold the Annual Meeting on April 5. Al Saturdays moving forward are to be workdays. See the online calendar.

  • We will revisit May activities on April 26th.

  • Hot Summer Nights to be goal to get to Cumberland and back

  • We will give weekly reports to members with progress.

  • We will maintain a consistently updated list in Depot as to what work needs to be done and what has been completed. This will be posted with the mile post.

  • NMRA convention committee to be delayed 2 months

Buildings Losses

  1. Taylor MoW Barn

  2. Taylor Industries

  3. Wassell House

  4. Wassell Carbarn

  5. Warren Buildings

  6. Boberg Building - minor damage

  7. Malone Building

  8. Mattox Building

  9. Moose Ridge

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Public Run Day, Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Public Run Day, Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Come ride trains on Saturday, April 5th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, April 5th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, April 5th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work making improvements to the railroad and are ready to bring the railroad back to life. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Latest update from Eagle Point Railroad

Here is the latest update regarding the forest fire that damaged portions of Eagle Point Railroad on Sunday, March 23rd.

Here is the latest update for Monday, March 24th from Eagle Point Railroad.

Today, a few of us met up at the railroad and walked the track from the Education Center to Cumberland and along the swamp route to see the damage from the fire.  It was quite amazing to see how well the track held up.  In some places, there were only a handful of ties in each small section that either burned or melted (wood vs plastic).    In a few of those places, there was some minor rail damage that can easily be resolved.  It was very clear that the ballast along the right of way did help to shield the track from damage.  A good number of the trestles survived with either some small decking fixes needed or simple stringer replacements.  However, the Crowder Creek trestle was destroyed.  A few of us did venture up the mountain division and did find some much more extensive damage on the Monteagle Wye trestles.  Also, Barry did report that much of the Tracy City curved trestle didn’t survive.  It was also noted that there was some decking damage to the PJ Wendt bridge along with Taylor Industries and the snow sheds.

One additional note is that the breakers have been turned off in the club carbarn.  One of the breakers is tripping.  We will hopefully be able to investigate this on Saturday.

 We did record the damage locations on a map and are working to transfer this to a digital version.  The club officers, EPRR manager, and Barry Garard are going to meet tomorrow night to discuss a plan for how we can get the railroad up and running again.  Following tomorrow night's meeting, we’ll have more information to share.

 We have received very generous offers from other live steam clubs including Midsouth Live Steamers and North Georgia Live Steamers along with some of the hobby suppliers like Plum Cove Studios that wish to help us get the railroad back into operation again once we have determined a course of action.  Some of our closest live steam neighbors are ready to pitch in and help.

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Members Only - Important North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only - Important North Georgia Live Steamers

Public Run Day Volunteer Survey

Our first public run day is just around the corner. We need to know who will be available to volunteer for the event. Please respond by Monday, March 31st.

If the form below does not work please use the following link:

Our first public run day is just around the corner. We need to know who will be available to volunteer for the event. Please respond by Monday, March 31st.

If the form below does not work please use the following link:

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Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Eagle Point Railroad Forest Fire

On Sunday, March 23rd we received word that a forest fire had broken out near the Eagle Point Railroad in Dunlap, TN. Here is part of the email that we received:

On Sunday, March 23rd we received word that a forest fire had broken out near the Eagle Point Railroad in Dunlap, TN. Here is part of the email that we received:

Today was not a good day for the Eagle Point Railroad and Chattanooga Society of Model Engineers.  We had some wind gusts along with a wild fire that started down below us.  The fire ended up going up the canyon just below the railroad and continued up the ravine.  While our roundhouse, shop, carbarn and depot were spared along with a few remote steel carbarns, we’ve incurred quite a lot of fire damage….

As of now, the fire has continued up the ravine and is being attended to by the local fire service along with some air drops.  Larry and Diane Taylor (railroad owners) along with a member husband and wife that live just below the railroad are all safe.  The following photo album contains photos of members that drove to see it from a vista point just outside of Dunlap along with photos taken by Barry Garard as he helped Larry attend to remaining hot spots. 

If you would like, please share this email and photos with your membership.  We’ll be assessing the damage that this fire has caused, and we’ll be formulating a plan to recover.  If you have any members that might wish to help, please let us know.

We will continue to share more information as it becomes available. For those that are interested in helping please contact Robby for more details.

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Latest News, Work Day, Track Construction, Members Only - Important North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Work Day, Track Construction, Members Only - Important North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday Recap for Saturday, March 21st

We had a great turnout for our workday on Saturday. The crew took a divide and conquered approach by working on multiple projects at the same time. We had a track crew working on the Grandma Line installing a new switch off the mainline on the west end of the project. We had another group work on electrical throughout the property and so much more going on throughout the day.

We had a great turnout for our workday on Saturday. The crew took a divide and conquered approach by working on multiple projects at the same time. We had a track crew working on the Grandma Line installing a new switch off the mainline on the west end of the project. This means the Grandma Line is only 90 feet away from completion. We had another group work on electrical throughout the property and so much more going on throughout the day.

We are now just days away from the opening of the 2025 season and without our members and volunteers none of this would be possible. A thank you to everyone. As we look ahead to April we are planning on working on the clubhouse and workshop project with a focus on sealing the containers together and cutting out the inner walls before the summer heat arrives. Dates for this project will be announced soon.

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Work Day Scheduled, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Work Day Scheduled, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday and Run Day Prep Day scheduled for Saturday, March 22nd

It is hard to believe that we are just days away from our first public run day of the 2025 season. Before we can open up we have a few last minute winter projects to complete around the railroad which includes installing a new switch, railroad maintenance, and equipment maintenance before we open for the season. On Saturday, March 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. we be our next workday and our last workday before our first public run day of the season on Saturday, April 5th to prepare the railroad and property for our visitors.

If you are able to come out make sure you bring tools, knee pads, lunch, and a great sense of humor. See everyone soon.

It is hard to believe that we are just days away from our first public run day of the 2025 season. Before we can open up we have a few last minute winter projects to complete around the railroad which includes installing a new switch, railroad maintenance, and equipment maintenance before we open for the season. On Saturday, March 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. we be our next workday and our last workday before our first public run day of the season on Saturday, April 5th to prepare the railroad and property for our visitors.

If you are able to come out make sure you bring tools, knee pads, lunch, and a great sense of humor. See everyone soon.

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Latest News, Public Run Day, Members Only, Members Only - Important North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Public Run Day, Members Only, Members Only - Important North Georgia Live Steamers

Come ride trains on Saturday, April 5th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, April 5th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

The railroad comes alive again on Saturday, April 5th from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come out with friends and family to ride the rails of the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The volunteers have been hard at work making improvements to the railroad and are ready to bring the railroad back to life. The cost is $2 per person per ride on the railroad and riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards.

The railroad is located at 1632 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30012 next to the Steeplechase Grounds at the Georgia International Horse Park. For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Work Day Scheduled, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Work Day Scheduled, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Workday and Run Day Prep Day scheduled for Saturday, March 22nd

It is hard to believe that we are just days away from our first public run day of the 2025 season. Before we can open up we have a few last minute winter projects to complete around the railroad which includes installing a new switch, railroad maintenance, and equipment maintenance before we open for the season. On Saturday, March 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. we be our next workday and our last workday before our first public run day of the season on Saturday, April 5th to prepare the railroad and property for our visitors.

If you are able to come out make sure you bring tools, knee pads, lunch, and a great sense of humor. See everyone soon.

It is hard to believe that we are just days away from our first public run day of the 2025 season. Before we can open up we have a few last minute winter projects to complete around the railroad which includes installing a new switch, railroad maintenance, and equipment maintenance before we open for the season. On Saturday, March 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. we be our next workday and our last workday before our first public run day of the season on Saturday, April 5th to prepare the railroad and property for our visitors.

If you are able to come out make sure you bring tools, knee pads, lunch, and a great sense of humor. See everyone soon.

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Club Fun Day, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Club Fun Day, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Club Fun Day Recap for Saturday, March 1st

It is hard to believe that March is finally here and the weather teased us with a clear warm day. A lot of members came out ran trains and worked on a variety of other projects as everyone starts transitioning from winter to spring activities.

It is hard to believe that March is finally here and the weather teased us with a clear warm day. A lot of members came out ran trains and worked on a variety of other projects as everyone starts transitioning from winter to spring activities. Check out some pictures of the day.

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Members Only, Press Release, Public Run Day Schedule, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Press Release, Public Run Day Schedule, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Train Ride Schedule announced for the 2025 Season

Our 2025 train ride schedule has been set and we look forward to seeing everyone around the railroad this season. The schedule for the 2025 season will be Saturday, April 5th, May 17th, October 4th, and November 1st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards accepted.

For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

Our 2025 train ride schedule has been set and we look forward to seeing everyone around the railroad this season. The schedule for the 2025 season will be Saturday, April 5th, May 17th, October 4th, and November 1st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards accepted.

For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Club Fun Day Scheduled, Members Only, Live Steam Railroad Club North Georgia Live Steamers Club Fun Day Scheduled, Members Only, Live Steam Railroad Club North Georgia Live Steamers

Club Fun Day is planned for Saturday, March 1st

The weather is beginning to get warmer and this Saturday, March 1st is going to be a great day to play trains. The day is meant for club members, invited guests, and anyone in the hobby to come out and enjoy the day around the railroad. Come when you want and stay as long as you can.

The weather is beginning to get warmer and this Saturday, March 1st is going to be a great day to play trains. The day is meant for club members, invited guests, and anyone in the hobby to come out and enjoy the day around the railroad. Come when you want and stay as long as you can.

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Work Day, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Work Day, Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Major Repair Workday Recap for Saturday, February 22nd

What an incredible day. The air warmed up, and the sun was bright throughout the day. We had an energetic crew at the site helping to repair both of the outer loop tracks on the east side of the railroad.

Special work day observer

What an incredible day. The air warmed up, and the sun was bright throughout the day. We had an energetic crew at the site helping to repair both of the outer loop tracks on the east side of the railroad. The crew, consisting of Tyler, Paul, Dale, Robby, Brooke, Darryl, Brandon, and Robby, regauged and removed gaps between sections of more than 150 feet of track. The crew leveled and ballasted the area as well, with more still to be done. While the crew was working on the east loop, John and Norm worked on building a curve switch for the Grandma Line project. The plan is to install the switch on the mainline during our next workday on Saturday, March 8th.

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Latest News, Members Only - Important, Work Day Scheduled North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only - Important, Work Day Scheduled North Georgia Live Steamers

Major Repair workday planned for this Saturday, February 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m.

Our regularly scheduled workday is this Saturday, February 22nd, with a focus on performing major track repair on the east loop of the railroad. We need to repair about 100 feet of track, which has large gaps between sections that limit the ability to use the railroad. The day will start a little cold but will warm up, especially since we will be working in the sun. Make sure you bring lunch, tools, and a good sense of humor.

Please note that this track work needs to be done before our next Club Fun Day, which is Saturday, March 1st. If we have a large enough crew, we may have a couple of people split off and work on finishing building the curve switch for the “Grandma Line” project, and if we get really lucky, maybe even install the switch. That is a big maybe.

Our regularly scheduled workday is this Saturday, February 22nd, with a focus on performing major track repair on the east loop of the railroad. We need to repair about 100 feet of track, which has large gaps between sections that limit the ability to use the railroad. The day will start a little cold but will warm up, especially since we will be working in the sun. Make sure you bring lunch, tools, and a good sense of humor.

Please note that this track work needs to be done before our next Club Fun Day, which is Saturday, March 1st. If we have a large enough crew, we may have a couple of people split off and work on finishing building the curve switch for the “Grandma Line” project, and if we get really lucky, maybe even install the switch. That is a big maybe.

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Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Happy Valentine's Day from North Georgia Live Steamers

North Georgia Live Steamers want to wish all of you and your special someone a Happy Valentine’s Day.

North Georgia Live Steamers want to wish all of you and your special someone a Happy Valentine’s Day.

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Common Parts North Georgia Live Steamers Common Parts North Georgia Live Steamers

R/C Control Parts

The following information represents a sample of parts needed to create an R/C locomotive.

The following information represents a sample of parts needed to create an R/C locomotive.

Transmitter / Receiver RadioLink RC6GS V3 (7 Channel)



ESC (Electronic Speed Control) – SyRen 50

24V to 12V Step Down

24V to 12V Step Down – 20A  (if using mechanical bell and horn)

24V to 12V Step Down – 10A (if using electronic bell and horn)

Dallee Sound Card

HiLine™ Stamp - Diesel Horns & Bells - Dallee Electronics

Universally Compatible with All Types of Model Trains

  • Incredibly Tiny (1.2" x 0.95" x 0.5")

  • Selectable Polyphonic Sound

  • Adjustable Volume with Remote Volume Capabilities

  • Requires 8 ohm Speaker

  • 10 Horns

  • 3 Bells

  • Proudly Designed & Manufactured in USA

  • Includes one 6 pin wire harness and one 2 pin speaker harness

Mini Speaker Amp

60 pcs XHF Black&Red Conductor Compact Connectors Lever Connectors Nuts

For those looking for a kit that has everything ready to install Ride Trains provides and option for you.

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Members Only, Press Release, Public Run Day Schedule, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Press Release, Public Run Day Schedule, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Train Ride Schedule announced for the 2025 Season

Our 2025 train ride schedule has been set and we look forward to seeing everyone around the railroad this season. The schedule for the 2025 season will be Saturday, April 5th, May 17th, October 4th, and November 1st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards accepted.

For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

Our 2025 train ride schedule has been set and we look forward to seeing everyone around the railroad this season. The schedule for the 2025 season will be Saturday, April 5th, May 17th, October 4th, and November 1st from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Riders must be at least 18 months old or older. No expectant mothers allowed to ride on the railroad. Tickets can be purchased on site. CASH Only. No Credit Cards or Debit Cards accepted.

For more information about our ride days please visit ride day webpage

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Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers Latest News, Members Only North Georgia Live Steamers

Regularly scheduled workday planned for this Saturday, February 8th starting at 8:30 a.m.

Our regularly scheduled workday is this Saturday, February 8th. Depending on who is available, the plan is to work on any one of the following projects: Clubhouse & Workshop, Grandma Line, and more. Make sure you bring lunch, tools, and a good sense of humor.

If you are unable to come this Saturday we are planning a major repair workday on Saturday, February 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan for our major repair workday is to work on nearly 100 feet of track in the east loop. This repair is needed before we have our club fun day on March 1st. If we have a large enough crew for this work day we will have a few split off to work on a couple of other items including building a curved switch for the Grandma line that we hope to have installed during one of our March work days ahead of our first public run day of the season.

Our regularly scheduled workday is this Saturday, February 8th. Depending on who is available, the plan is to work on any one of the following projects: Clubhouse & Workshop, Grandma Line, and more. Make sure you bring lunch, tools, and a good sense of humor.

If you are unable to come this Saturday we are planning a major repair workday on Saturday, February 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. The plan for our major repair workday is to work on nearly 100 feet of track in the east loop. This repair is needed before we have our club fun day on March 1st. If we have a large enough crew for this work day we will have a few split off to work on a couple of other items including building a curved switch for the Grandma line that we hope to have installed during one of our March work days ahead of our first public run day of the season.

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Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers Members Only, Latest News North Georgia Live Steamers

Club Meeting scheduled for Saturday, February 1st at 1 p.m.

Our next club meeting will be this Saturday, February 1st at 1 p.m. The weather is supposed to be great and will be meeting at the site. If you haven’t already paid your 2025 membership dues they are due by March 1, 2025 in order to be considered in good standing in accordance to our bylaws. Member dues can be paid in person during our meeting this Saturday, February 1st or can be sent in via mail to P.O. Box 1809, Conyers, GA 30012.

Annual dues amount for existing members

Full/Family - $75 per year

Spouse - $75 per year

Associate- $50 per year (Must live outside a 100-mile radius from Conyers, Georgia)

Junior - $25 per year (must be 12-18 years of age and sponsored by parent who is a member)

If you have any questions please contact Norm Wizner or Robby Mossman.

Our next club meeting will be this Saturday, February 1st at 1 p.m. The weather is supposed to be great and will be meeting at the site. If you haven’t already paid your 2025 membership dues they are due by March 1, 2025 in order to be considered in good standing in accordance to our bylaws. Member dues can be paid in person during our meeting this Saturday, February 1st or can be sent in via mail to P.O. Box 1809, Conyers, GA 30012.

Annual dues amount for existing members

Full/Family - $75 per year

Spouse - $75 per year

Associate- $50 per year (Must live outside a 100-mile radius from Conyers, Georgia)

Junior - $25 per year (must be 12-18 years of age and sponsored by parent who is a member)

If you have any questions please contact Norm Wizner or Robby Mossman.

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