It’s hard to believe the New Year is here. Our first club meeting is on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 1 p.m. at Hawthorn Suites, which is across the street from the railroad
It is hard to believe the holiday season is ending and about to start the New Year. As you begin to think of a New Year’s resolution don’t forget we open a little earlier this year.
Hey club members and others in the Live Steam hobby the weather is looking great for our first club fun day of the year on Wednesday, January 1, 2020. Come out when you can and bring family and friends.
North Georgia Live Steamers wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you around the railroad in 2020.
Live Steam & Riding Scale Railroad discussion board site.
It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to an end. The year brought more steam engines operating on a regular basis around the railroad, new members, friends, installation of a bridge, construction of a Gauge 1 railroad, and a whole lot more.
On Saturday, December 7, 2019 nominations where taken for the 2020 Board.
The live steam hobby is full of history. Recently, Bill Leahy, NGLS President, has taken up the challenge to try and not only document the history of the club steamer but also try and clear up some confusion in the story.
North Georgia Live Steamers is excited to announce the launch of our new website. We hope you enjoy all the great content we’ve been able to compile. If you have any questions or would you like to contribute to the information on our website, please visit our Contact Us page on the website and let us know.
Work has restarted on the Ash Pit line as preparations begin on extending our existing container another 20 feet. Below you’ll see our most recent work day on this project and a look back at where it all started.
North Georgia Live Steamers, a 501(c)3 non-profit railroad charity, is raising money to expand its ability to handle the growing number of visitors to the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. The railroad has been built and maintained by a group of volunteers and members of the North Georgia Live Steamers.
The day was full of activity with two bobcats, multiple chainsaws, and a work crew. The work crew first cut down trees near the container and steaming bay area while the bobcats started digging and preparing the area around the steaming bay area for new track and container.
This is day one of a project that will allow us to extend what we call the Ash Pit line down to the main part of the railroad and add an additional 20-foot container that will attach to an existing 40-foot container. This will provided a central place of storage for club locomotives and rolling stock.
The North Georgia Live Steamers has updated its 2020 ride day schedule as of Saturday, October 2, 2020 and have decided to cancel the rest of the regularly scheduled dates until 2021. Be on the look out for the 2021 schedule to be posted soon.
Our 5th public run day of the season was on Saturday, November 2, 2019. Check out a few of the pictures from the day.
During our annual Georgia Boiler Inspection on October 26, 2019 several board members and club members talked with Steve Laughlin our new inspector about whether or not we could have an Invitational Meet without requiring a Georgia State Inspection.
This past Saturday, November 2nd, marked the end of another great public ride season. As you know these ride days help us reach out into the community to share our hobby and attract new members.
Now that the weather is cooler and we have access to some heavy machinery we are planning on a major work day on Saturday, November 16th.
Great Northern #936 is an Allen Models 10 Wheeler. It is unknown when it was built but is believed to have been built sometime in the 1980’s. The locomotive spent most of its life in Washington State before moving with its owner to Atlanta around 2014. In 2018 it was sold to its current owner.
Our 4th run day of the year was on Saturday, October 12, 2019. We had three steam engines and two diesel locomotives pulling passengers most of the afternoon.

During our Fall Club Fun Day in 2018, we had one of our members bring this great family out to the railroad and they created a video to document the day.
A group of club members have gotten together to purchase a new 45-foot high cube storage container.
Now that we have electricity into our primary container we are now going to extend the power to the remaining containers and other areas of the railroad on the east side of the property.
The focus of the day was to paint the new picnic benches and build a work bench.
Here is a collection of short videos from our public run day on Saturday, August 26, 2017

The crew has completed the passenger ling expansion.
Reconfiguration continues on the station area.
Reconfiguration of the passenger station has begun.
Reconfiguration of the passenger station has begun.
Construction began on the ash pit line which will be used by the coal fired steam engines to dump ash after a long day of operating. Here are some photos from the April 2nd and April 16th work days.
As 2019 begins to wind down North Georgia Live Steamers would like to thank everyone who has made a donation to help us purchase new riding and Engineer cars.