The membership and volunteers have taken on a lot of great projects over the years. We are currently tackling some other great projects right now and want to share what those projects are with everyone. The purpose of this page is to provide a place for everyone to see what the current projects are and the status of each of the projects. If you or someone you know wants to get involved this is a great time to come out and get involved in projects of all sizes. One of the things we want to highlight is that not all projects have to be done on a Saturday during our typical large group workdays. Some projects can be done in small groups any day of the week. So don’t let a day go by and head out to the railroad and help us knock out some of these projects.
Note that not all of the images and buttons below link to a project page. The pages will become active once additional information becomes available. For a complete list of projects with information click on the information to the left.
Active Projects & Ongoing Maintenance Items
Work continues on several projects throughout the year. These projects can be anything from track maintenance to adding the clubhouse and everything in between. The list below is in no particular order other than these are the current active projects. Some projects require a lot of people while others on a few. Jump in and help out where you can and let’s make these and other projects a success this year.
Small(ish) Group Projects
Small group projects are a great opportunity to take care of small items around the railroad that can be done any day of the week. Any member or volunteer wishing to take on a project like one of the items below or one that you dream up let the board know and we can get the word out.