History of North Georgia Live Steamers
In 1972, a group of four like-minded men got together with the idea of starting a 7-1/2" gauge live steam club. The four set about looking for a suitable location for the club track. In 1976 the NRHS/Atlanta chapter was approached with the idea of including 7-1/2" gauge railroading at the Southeastern Railway Museum. By 1977, the group had already expanded to six individuals that were meeting in Lilburn, Georgia where they picked a name for the club, North Georgia Live Steamers (NGLS). The stated club goals were to promote the live steam hobby and assist others interested in the construction of scale steam engines, diesel locomotives, and railroad equipment.
The group continued to grow and in 1978 a deal was struck. A long term, minimal fee lease was granted to NGLS to build a 7-1/2" gauge (Duluth & Mount Tabor Railway), 1-1/2" scale railroad at the Southeastern Rail and Transportation Museum in Duluth, Georgia. The club incorporated in 1981 and in 2003 was granted 501(c)3 status by the IRS.
Through the years at the Southeastern Rail and Transportation Museum, the club constructed a railroad that encompassed over one mile of track with spurs and sidings, a passenger station, a club activity building, an engine and car unloading facility, steaming bays, public restrooms, and several trestles, bridges, and tunnels. The club instituted monthly open run weekends for the public which would draw 2,000+ riders. Two weekends in the year were scheduled as meets open to out-of-the-area live steamers from the southeast and beyond. Attendance for those weekends would be double as people came from many neighboring states to run their trains, share experiences, and offer rides to the public.
As new expansion was progressing, the Southeastern Rail and Transportation Museum sold the property and the new location did not have adequate space to accommodate NGLS. The club was able to salvage the track system along with 4 bridges and a trestle. A search was initiated to find a new location. While this search was being done, a portable track system was built to continue to offer services. The club continues to operate the portable track for a limited number of train related runs during the calendar year.
At the beginning of 2009, NGLS relocated to the Georgia International Horse Park (GIHP) in Conyers, Georgia to begin building the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad. A parcel of land along the Yellow River on Centennial Olympic Parkway has been leased long term from the City of Conyers by NGLS to build a permanent railroad/historical park. Construction began shortly thereafter.
On November 2, 2013 we officially opened the new track at GIHP to the public with our Grand Opening and Golden Spike day. We had around 400 people attend and get rides. It was a great day for everyone. Planning immediately started for the public run days for 2014.
Our Mission
NGLS promotes the history of Live Steam by educating those interested (especially young people) in the skills and techniques needed to build, maintain and operate miniature and full size steam equipment. Members build signals, bridges, tunnels – track, everything needed to operate a railroad. See our Mission Statement here.
Mission Statement
The purposes of North Georgia Live Steamers (NGLS) is to provide a forum to display and operate model trains, associate with other model rail enthusiasts and promote the history and virtues of railroads to the general public. To facilitate this purpose, NGLS will build a model railroad complete with stations, switches, signals, and other equipment necessary to maintain realistic railroad operations. This also includes working scale models of live steam and diesel locomotives with the associated rail cars.
Lease Signed
February 18, 2009 - Norm Wizner, the president of NGLS, today announced that the City of Conyers has unanimously voted to grant NGLS a 25-year lease on the property at Georgia International Horse Park (GICP). The mayor of Conyers and the NGLS president both signed the agreement. The signing came after long negotiations and after NGLS provided the city with all required insurance forms, documents, and the $1.00 annual fee. The city council, the mayor, the city director, the director of the horse park, and community individuals (including the local bike group) were extremely pleased and even offered to help NGLS with some work in the future.
General Guidelines
Working in a recreational setting, railroad models will be used to provide a historical perspective of the major locomotive and rolling stock types used in the United States from 1835 to present day. Scale models from 1-1/2"=1' to 3"=1' operating on a 7-1/2" gauge track will provide the public with a realistic look at railroad operations both past and present. The club will keep in contact with the Historical Society in concert with the Smithsonian Institute for information dating to the early 1800's.
NGLS will promote railway safety. The club has a published handbook to be used as a guide by the member for operating engines and rolling stock. Further, public safety awareness will be addressed before all operations. Rider regulations will be posted, waiver forms will be signed, and general safety rules will be discussed with riders before any transport on the railroad.
Club equipment will be maintained to the highest levels of quality with frequent inspections. All steam equipment will be subject to annual inspection by the State of Georgia and be certified before operation. All private equipment operated on NGLS trackage must meet all required safety standards before operation.
NGLS will promote youth interest and education through the Junior Live Steam program, the Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, and similar civic organizations.
The club will maintain specialized insurance designed for live steam and model railroad operations.