Club Fun Day Father's Day Event (Private Event)
Just so we have an excuse to come out and play with trains we will have a Father’s Day weekend club fun day the Saturday before Father’s Day.

Annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day - August 23, 2025
Our annual summer night run will be on Saturday, August 23rd. This is part of our Club Fun Day activities and is open to all club members, member families, and live steam hobbyist. For more information to those visiting the railroad please visit our Club Fun Day page for more information.
Note this is not a Public Ride Day.

Annual Boiler Inspection - September 13, 2025, at 8:30 a.m.
Annual Boiler Inspection as well as a club fun day is planned for Saturday, September 13, 2025.

5th Annual Fall Meet 2025 Details
Our 4th Annual NGLS Fall Meet will be held Thursday, October 16th through Sunday October 19th. Additional details about the event will follow but for now here is what we have so far. This event is NOT part of our Public Train Ride events and not open to the general public.

Leftover Turkey Club Fun Run (Private Event)
NGLS club members are you looking to get rid of the leftover turkey and trimmings on Saturday, November 29th. Come out for a club fun run day at the railroad. Bring friends, family, and bring the leftovers to share.

Start the New Year off with a little fun. Club fun day on Thursday, January 1, 2026 (Private Event)
Continue the tradition of starting out the New Year with getting the family, friends, and don’t forget the train out and play for the day.
This event is open to club members, others in the live steam hobby, and invited guests.

Start the New Year off with a little fun. Club fun day on Wednesday, January 1, 2025 (Private Event)
Continue the tradition of starting out the New Year with getting the family, friends, and don’t forget the train out and play for the day.
This event is open to club members, others in the live steam hobby, and invited guests.

2024 Leftover Turkey Fun Run (Private Event)
NGLS club members are you looking to get rid of the leftover turkey and trimmings on Saturday, November 30th. Come out for a club fun run day at the railroad. Bring friends, family, and bring the leftovers to share.

4th Annual Fall Meet 2024 Details
Our 4th Annual NGLS Fall Meet will be held Thursday, October 24th through Sunday October 27th. Additional details about the event will follow but for now here is what we have so far. This event is NOT part of our Public Train Ride events and not open to the general public.

Annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day - August 23, 2025
Our annual summer night run will be on Saturday, August 23rd. This is part of our Club Fun Day activities and is open to all club members, member families, and live steam hobbyist. For more information to those visiting the railroad please visit our Club Fun Day page for more information.
Note this is not a Public Ride Day.

Annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day - August 24, 2024
Our annual summer night run will be on Saturday, August 24th. This is part of our Club Fun Day activities and is open to all club members, member families, and live steam hobbyist. For more information to those visiting the railroad please visit our Club Fun Day page for more information.
Note this is not a Public Ride Day.

Club Fun Day Father's Day Event
Just so we have an excuse to come out and play with trains we will have a Father’s Day weekend club fun day on Saturday, June 15th. This event is intended for club members, invited guests, and those interested in learning more about our club. This day is not part of our regularly schedule Train Ride Events which happen periodically throughout the year.

Club Fun Day and Club Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 1, 2024
Our June club meeting and fun day is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st. Club members and invited guest are encouraged to spend the day around the railroad having fun and stopping briefly for a club meeting at 1 p.m.

Start the New Year off with a little fun. Club fun day on Sunday, January 1, 2024 (Private Event)
Continue the tradition of starting out the New Year with getting the family, friends, and don’t forget the train out and play for the day.
This event is open to club members, others in the live steam hobby, and invited guests.

2023 Leftover Turkey Fun Run (Private Event)
NGLS club members are you looking to get rid of the leftover turkey and trimmings on Saturday, November 25th. Come out for a club fun run day at the railroad. Bring friends, family, and bring the leftovers to share.

3rd Annual Fall Meet 2023 Details
The 3rd Annual NGLS Fall Meet will be held Thursday, October 19th through Sunday October 22nd. Additional details about the event will follow but for now here is what we have so far. This event is NOT part of our Public Train Ride events and not open to the general public.

Annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day - August 26, 2023 (Weather Permitting/Private Event)
Our annual summer night run will be on Saturday, August 26th. This is part of our Club Fun Day activities and is open to all club members, member families, and live steam hobbyist. For more information to those visiting the railroad please visit our Club Fun Day page for more information.
Note this is not a Public Ride Day.

Unveiling of the C&O 701 event scheduled for Saturday, August 12th (private event)
Plans are in the works to bring to life a new steam engine on Saturday, August 12th at the railroad. Join Wayne Godshall, of Godshall’s Custom Machining & Live Steam, as he unveils the 19th H10 consolidation locomotive to one of our NGLS members. The locomotive has been modeled after the C&O 701 which maybe the last known surviving consolidation locomotive of the C&O railroad. The prototype was originally built in 1911 for the Hocking Valley Railways and later merged with the C&O railroad. To read up on the prototype and see some of the build pictures click here. More details about the unveiling to follow.

Club Fun Day Father's Day Event and Club Meeting (Private Event)
It is Father’s Day weekend which makes it a great excuse to come out and play with trains on Saturday, June 17th. Come when you can and enjoy the time. We will stop briefly at 1 p.m. for our rescheduled club meeting.

Almost Monthly Club Fun Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, 2023 (Update)
Our June “Almost Club Fun Day” will be on Saturday, June 3rd. Club members and invited guest are encouraged to spend the day around the railroad having fun. Our regularly schedule June meeting has been moved to Saturday, June 17th because of multiple board members having conflict and not able to be in attendance. So, enjoy the entire day with family, friends, and invited guests around the railroad.

Start the New Year off with a little fun. Club fun day on Sunday, January 1, 2023 (Private Event)
Continue the tradition of starting out the New Year with getting the family, friends, and don’t forget the train out and play for the day.
This event is open to club members, others in the live steam hobby, and invited guests.

2022 Leftover Turkey Fun Run (Private Event)
NGLS club members are you looking to get rid of the leftover turkey and trimmings on Saturday, November 26th. Come out for a club fun run day at the railroad. Bring friends, family, and bring the leftovers to share.

2nd Annual Fall Meet (Not a public run day)
Mark your calendar for the 2nd annual NGLS Fall Meet will be held Thursday, October 20thst through Sunday October 23rd. Additional details about the event will follow but for now here is what we have so far. This event is NOT part of our Public Train Ride events and not open to the general public.

Annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day - August 27, 2022 (Private Event)
Our annual summer night run will be on Saturday, August 27th. This is part of our Club Fun Day activities and is open to all club members, member families, and live steam hobbyist. For more information to those visiting the railroad please visit our Club Fun Day page for more information.
Note this is not a Public Ride Day.

Club Fun Day Father's Day Event (Private Event)
Just so we have an excuse to come out and play with trains we will have a Father’s Day weekend club fun day on Saturday, June 18th.

Club Fun Day and Club Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, 2022
Our June club meeting and fun day is scheduled for Saturday, June 4th. Club members and invited guest are encourage to spend the day around the railroad having fun and stopping briefly for a club meeting at 1 p.m.

Spring Awakening - Club Fun Day April 2, 2022 (Update)
Our season opener Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, April 2nd. Our regularly scheduled April club meeting has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 16th because of some scheduling conflicts with many of our board members. So, the entire day will be a club fun without the disruption of a meeting.

Welcome To Railroad Social Event - New and Existing members
Come celebrate the start of our 2022 season with a “Welcome to the railroad” social event before our February 5th meeting. Come as early as you want and socialize with other members of North Georgia Live Steamers. It’s been a while for many and now is a great time to get reintroduced. If you have any questions, please contact Robby Mossman.
Note: This is not a public run day but is open to anyone interested in learning more about our organization.

Start the New Year off with a little fun. Club fun day on Wednesday, January 1, 2022 (Private Event)
Continue the tradition of starting out the New Year with getting the family, friends, and don’t forget the train out and play for the day.

2021 Leftover Turkey Fun Run - Saturday, November 27, 2021 (Private Event)
NGLS club members are you looking to get rid of the leftover turkey and trimmings. Come out for a club fun run day at the railroad. Bring friends, family, and bring the leftovers to share.

1st Ever Fall Meet (Not a public run day)
The 1st NGLS Fall Meet will be held Thursday, October 21st through Sunday October 24th. Additional details about the event will follow but for now here is what we have so far. This event is NOT part of our Public Train Ride events and not open to the general public.

Annual Summer Nights Club Fun Day - August 28, 2021
Our annual summer night run will be on Saturday, August 28th. This is part of our Club Fun Day activities and is open to all club members, member families, and live steam hobbyist. For more information to those visiting the railroad please visit our Club Fun Day page for more information.
Note this is not a Public Ride Day.

Club Meeting and Club Fun Day - June 5, 2021
Our next Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, June 5th along with our April club meeting. Club Fun Day starts up in the morning with the meeting at 1 p.m.

Club Meeting and Club Fun Day - April 3, 2021
Our season opener Club Fun Day will be on Saturday, April 3rd along with our April club meeting. Club Fun Day starts up in the morning with the meeting at 1 p.m.

CANCELLED----Club Meeting (1 p.m.) & Club Fun Day - February 6, 2021
Our next club meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 6th at 1 p.m. The day is also a club fun day and starts whenever you show up to play. Weather permitting of course. The meeting is scheduled to be at the site.

2020 Leftover Turkey Fun Run - Saturday, November 28, 2020 (Private Event)
NGLS club members are you looking to get rid of the leftover turkey and trimmings. Come out for a club fun run day at the railroad. Bring friends, family, and bring the leftovers to share. This event is NOT open to the general public.