Prep Day - April 19, 2025
We will have a workday to prepare the railroad for our next public run day event on Saturday, April 19th starting at 8:30 a.m.

Prep Day - May 10, 2025
We will have a workday to prepare the railroad for our next public run day event on Saturday, April 10th starting at 8:30 a.m.
Club Meeting & Workday - June 7, 2025, at 1 p.m.
Our June club meeting will be on Saturday, June 7th at 1 p.m. with a workday starting at 8:30 a.m.
Club Meeting & Workday August 2, 2025
Our August club meeting will be on Saturday, August 2nd along with a regularly scheduled workday. The workday starts at 8:30 a.m. with club meeting planned for 1 p.m.

Workday is planned for March 22nd
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, March 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.

Workday is planned for March 8th
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, March 8th starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.

Major Workday Planned
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, February 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m. Details about the email will be posted soon. Most likely a workday focused on the clubhouse & workshop project. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor.

Workday Planned
A workday is planned from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and depending on the weather and a few other factors we could be working on one of the following projects: Clubhouse & Workshop project, Grandma Line, East loop repair, and more. Make sure you bring a lunch, tools, and a good sense of humor.

Workday planned (Subject to change)
A workday is planned from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and depending on the weather and a few other factors we could be working on one of the following projects: Clubhouse & Workshop project, Grandma Line, East loop repair, and more. Make sure you bring a lunch, tools, and a good sense of humor.

“Grandma Line” Workday Planned
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

“Grandma Line” Workday Planned
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

“Grandma Line” Workday Planned (Tentative)
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

Prep Day for our next run day will be on Saturday, September 21st
We will have a workday on Saturday, September 21st to check the railroad and cut grass. Please bring yard equipment and track tools as we put the finishing touches on the property. Make sure you bring a lunch, water, and a good sense of humor.

Workday is scheduled for Saturday, September 7, 2024
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th starting at 8:30 a.m. We are planning on working on the club house and workshop project. We only have about l6 feet of wall and ceiling left to finish which will allow us to start planning how to setup the inside of the container making the space usable. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. The weather is supposed to be in the low 80’s which is so much better than the summer heat we’ve been having.
Please note that scheduled workdays are subject to change.

"Grandma Line" August 10th Workday
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

Club Meeting and Workday is scheduled for Saturday, August 3, 2024
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, August 3rd starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.
Club meeting is at 1 p.m.

Workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 27, 2024
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, July 27h starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.

"Grandma Line" July 13th Workday
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

Workday is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th
A workday is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. Details about workday to be announced.

Workday is scheduled for Saturday, May 31st
A club house and workshop workday is scheduled for Friday, May 31st starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring cordless tools, hammer, knee pads, lunch, plenty to drink, and a great sense of humor. The plan is to build the remaining walls in the first container and ceiling sections.

Prep Day for our next run day will be on Saturday, May 11th
We will have a workday on Saturday, May 11th to check the railroad and cut grass. Please bring yard equipment and track tools as we put the finishing touches on the property. Make sure you bring a lunch, water, and a good sense of humor.

"Grandma Line" May 4th Workday
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.
April 20th - "Grandma Line" Work Day
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.
April 20th - "Grandma Line" Work Evening
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

Spring Cleaning and Prep Day for our next run day will be on Saturday, April 6th
We will have a workday on Saturday, April 6thto check the railroad and cut grass. Please bring yard equipment and track tools as we put the finishing touches on the property. Make sure you bring a lunch, water, and a good sense of humor.

April 1st through 5th - Weekday Workdays Planned
For the first time in forever a weekday workday is planned for the week of April 1st. The plan at this time is to work on the club house and workshop project. We are planning on building some internal walls with insulation in order to complete the installation of the electrical panel. Anyone available for any part of the week is welcome. This will provide our next major step in making the space usable in 2024.
Before heading out to the site please contact us to confirm work will be taking place on the day you go. Visit https://northgeorgialivesteamers.org/contact-us

Workday scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd starting at 8:30 a.m.
Our next big workday is planning for Saturday, March 23rd. We have a couple of items planned and could use as many hands as possible. The plan is to finish the retaining wall, ballasting and gauge water line track, and more.
We are also looking for a few volunteers to work on cleaning out and organizing the grey container before our first public run day event. If you are available this Saturday or anytime between now and April 6th to work on the grey container please let us know.

Unplanned Workday scheduled for Saturday, March 16th starting at 8:30 a.m.
We have an unplanned workday planned for this Saturday, March 16th. Because of some unexpected progress on the retaining wall project during the week a group is planning on being at the site on Saturday to finish the installation of the wall. We will need help with bringing dirt and gravel over to the new wall in order to bring the ground up and fix some areas that show signs of washing out. If you have a wheelbarrow and shovel, please bring them so we can have multiple ways to get dirt from the pile to the retaining wall.

West End Track Repair and Grandma Line Workday on Saturday, March 9th (Tentative: Weather)
Some additional work is needed on the west end of the railroad near the Nicol bridge. We need to install a small retaining wall in order to reduce the risk of ballast falling away from the track. The crew is also planning on working on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday. Workdays are subject to change.

February 24th - West Loop Track Repair near Nicol Bridge Workday
The day will be focused on building necessary track panels and cutting ties.

"Grandma Line" January 27th Workday (Tentative)
The crew is back at it again to work on the “Grandma Line” project. Please make sure you check with the project leader coordinator to make sure things are in place for this workday.

January 13th - West Loop Track Repair near Nicol Bridge Workday
The focus of this workday is to building track panels and cutting tie material in preparation of installing during the next scheduled workday.
January 13th - Clubhouse and Workshop Project Workday (Weather Permitting)
The workday will be focused on trenching and installing conduit and pull electrical wire to clubhouse container #1. We will also trench install a waterline to clubhouse container #3 area.

January 2nd through 12th - Clubhouse and Workshop Project Workday (Weather Permitting)
One or more workdays will take place between January 2nd and January 12th. The goal of this time will be used to level the gravel pad for container #5 and then move the blue container currently positioned as container #3. A bobcat is being scheduled along with an operator to help make all of this possible.