#630 Consolidation (2-8-0)
This is a Gene Allen Consolidation (2-8-0). The casting kit were purchased from a former NGLS member who never got to build it. It was purchased in August of 2020 and completed in June of 2021. It burns diesel fuel and operates on 120 lbs. of steam pressure. The tender was extended to make room for two riders. The locomotive now belongs to another NGLS club member who splits his time between North Georgia Live Steamers and his other home club in Florida.
This is a Gene Allen Consolidation (2-8-0). The casting kit were purchased from a former NGLS member who never got to build it. It was purchased in August of 2020 and completed in June of 2021. It burns diesel fuel and operates on 120 lbs. of steam pressure. The tender was extended to make room for two riders. The locomotive now belongs to another NGLS club member who splits his time between North Georgia Live Steamers and his other home club Northeast Florida Live Steamers.
As of October 23, 2021, now operates out of Florida at Northeast Florida Live Steamers and North Georgia Live Steamers.
Northeast Florida Live Steamers
North Georgia Live Steamers
936 Great Northern
Great Northern #936 is an Allen Models 10 Wheeler. It is unknown when it was built but is believed to have been built sometime in the 1980’s. The locomotive spent most of its life in Washington State before moving with its owner to Atlanta around 2014. In 2018 it was sold to its current owner.
Great Northern #936 is an Allen Models 10 Wheeler. It is unknown when it was built but is believed to have been built sometime in the 1980’s. The locomotive spent most of its life in Washington State before moving with its owner to Atlanta around 2014. In 2018 it was sold to a member here at North Georgia Live Steamers where he spent the next several years updating several items and then in 2021 sold again to an individual in Alabama.
Manifold updated and cab lights added 2020
Pictures from the October 2022 Fall Meet
At Mid-South Live Steamers Fall 2019
As of October 25, 2021 operates out of Alabama
5 Deerfield & Pineville Railroad
As of October 23, 2021 operates on a different railroad.