Inspection and Club Fun Day Recap
Our annual boiler inspection and September club fun day happened on Saturday even with the threat of rain. The day was pretty dry with an occasional sprinkle and heavy mist but that didn’t put a damper on the fun had by so many. We had an incredible turnout with ten steam engines which included three new to the railroad locomotives and one brand new Mikado.
Our annual boiler inspection and September club fun day happened on Saturday even with the threat of rain. The day was pretty dry with an occasional sprinkle and heavy mist but that didn’t put a damper on the fun had by so many. We had an incredible turnout with ten steam engines which included three new to the railroad locomotives and one brand new Mikado. While the steam engines were getting inspected other members took advantage running on the railroad before the extra traffic began to operate on the railroad. With the inspection complete we now shift our focus to fall activities which include public run days, fall meet, and visiting other railroads. Check out the calendar for the latest on what is going on around the railroad and clubs in the region.