After months of debate the blue container has now been moved.

After months of debate on how to move the blue container to a new location on the property. Wes a small team he put together went to the site on Sunday and moved the blue container from the clubhouse and workshop location to the area next to member container three. As many may remember the blue container did not match the structural build of the red containers and would have made it difficult to leverage it as part of one big open space when all the containers where connected. Now that the blue container is moved and container one walls and ceiling are up, we are positioned to really make some major progress over the next six to nine months on the projects. We have to finish painting the walls in container one, install electrical, and make the space usable before we start working on connecting container one and two together. We also need to do some track work so we can get to the container from the railroad. With all that needs to be done we can’t do it without everyone’s help. Be on the lookout for ways to get involved and if anyone knows of a company or individual who is interested in making a donation to help pay for the cost of the project, they can do so online by visiting our project page.