Club starts June with a little fun to kick off summer

What a great turn out of members and guests on Saturday as we welcomed in summer 2024. The weather was incredible, and the smiles were broad. We did stop briefly for lunch and a quick meeting and then went back at it enjoying the railroad. We got to see some new projects both completed and in progress at the railroad with the delivery of a caboose, a new to the railroad Mikado, and the transfer of ownership of a couple of locomotives all creating some conversations throughout the day. One of the great things about the club and the hobby is the ability to share the joy of trains but also the joy of all of the hard work that goes into all aspects of the hobby. Some of the hardware dates back nearly 50 years while some just a few weeks ago it all adds up to a lot of smiles. As we move into the summer of 2024 don’t forget about our next club fun day on Saturday, June 15th as the railroad celebrates Father’s Day. This day is a for members and invited guests and those interested in the hobby.