Day 2 of Weekday Workday sees pressure washing, painting, and framing.

Another weekday workday complete with lots of work done around the railroad. The day started out with Wes installing two drainpipes in the area that is part of the “Grandma Line” project. While Gene worked on cleaning and painting most of the steaming bays with more to be completed on Saturday. Dave L. was busy pressure washing the concrete at the turntable and pressure washing the picnic tables under the Breeseway. Things are really coming together around the property with much work to be done between now and Saturday.
The Clubhouse and Workshop project also saw some more progress as Norm, Wes, and Robby continued work on framing and building out walls and ceiling in the first container. They also got some extra help as Scott stopped by for a few minutes and helped us install the breaker panel. More volunteer and club members will be at the site again on Wednesday to continue working on various projects around the property. If you are available to come out and help or take on a project the crew plans on starting around 9 a.m. on Wednesday.
If you are looking for a project to volunteer for here is a partial list of items, we are looking for help on:
Oil all switches.
Cut grass and weed eat around the fence line.
Add additional crusher run and 57 gravel against the new retaining wall near the Nicol bridge.
Pickup all construction items around the railroad.
Inspect track for any repairs needed and perform the repairs
Clean and organize the grey container.
Clean and organize the red container.
Test Signal System (new batteries have been ordered).
Help finish painting the steaming bays.
If you can think of anything else, please feel free to take the project on and let everyone know.