North Georgia Live Steamers

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Unplanned workday produce progress on several projects

A small work crew, which consisted of John T., Wes, Kenneth, and Norm, came out on Saturday along with a few who stopped by to say hello. The work crew started work on building out the last switch needed to connect the east end of the “Grandma Line” to the railroad.

Once this switch is complete and installed the last 80 or 90 feet of the “Grandma Line” can be connected completing another change to our mainline traffic. However, before this can be done, we will need to build a retaining wall most likely out of the cut container panels we have similar to what we did earlier this year near the Nicol bridge. With the installation of a new retaining wall, we will also need to bring in more dirt reduce the drop off on the east end of the “Grandma Line”.

John T also worked on the container mural lettering a few more containers plus adding a new 48-foot container on the mural. If you would like to sponsor a container on the mural get with John T regarding what the cost is for the container you want to sponsor.

See this gallery in the original post