New way to keep track of projects going on around the railroad and how to get involved
Over the past several years many suggestions have been made regarding a better way to keep track of projects going on around the railroad. A web page has been created to provide a central place to see what projects are currently being worked or planned. The page is a work in progress so check it often and let us know what items you’d like to see added to the list. This new page will also allow us to share with others outside our groups with what is going on around the railroad and areas they can get involved.
If you have a project that isn’t on the list, please submit your request by clicking here so we can add it to the growing list. For those submitting a project you are also encouraged to help plan, schedule, and determine what supplies will be needed to make this project a success.
As a reminder while we do a lot of our projects on Saturday’s not all projects have to be done on a Saturday. If any member wants to get a group together and perform work around the railroad during the week, please feel free to schedule and head out to the railroad. Don’t forget to let others know so you can get a few extra hands to help you. If you want help promoting your workday, please contact Robby with the details you want to share with others.
To take a look at our new project page on our website visit:
With all of this in mind our first major workday of the 2024 year will be on Saturday, January 13th (weather permitting) with a focus on installing conduit and electricity into the Clubhouse & Workshop containers. This information and more can be found on our new Projects Page on our website.