Looking for a new or replacement NGLS Name Badge?

We are doing another run of NGLS name badges and know that we have several new members who need name badges as well as a few existing members who are looking for a replacement badge. For our new members the name badge is provides by the club while existing members who received one when you joined a replacement fee will be charged for a replacement badge. The actual cost of the replacement badge will be provided prior to order.
Here is a partial list of new members who have not received a name badge. If you don’t see you name on the list please submit below.
Nat Emerson, Kenneth Freidank, Russ Sapp, Bryan Wyatt, Brooke Wyatt, Darryl Powell
For all our new or existing members that need a name badge please fill out the form below so we can make sure we don’t miss you. Please fill out the badge request by Wednesday, November 20th
Click here (https://tinyurl.com/nglsrrnamebadge) or fill out the form below.