Georgia Connector Magazine promotes NGLS Train Ride Dates

You never know where you’ll stumble across someone talking about North Georgia Live Steamers. Bob C. was out and about recently and picked up the Georgia Connector magazine, probably because of the nice-looking steam engine on the front cover, and as he was thumbed through the magazine noticed something familiar on page 15. Not only did he recognize a familiar steam engine but the engineer as well. It was Jonah C. operating during one of our public run days. The picture was featured in an area called Ride the Rails which was promoting dates people could go ride or watch trains in Georgia and North Georgia Live Steamers was listed.

Here is a link to the full copy of the magazine if you would like to check it out.


Train Ride countdown has begun. Just 4 more days until the railroad comes alive.


Reminder: October 2nd - Public Run Day Volunteer Signup