Club Meeting and Holiday Club Fun Day this Saturday, December 3rd
Our December Club meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd at 1 p.m. We will cover normal business items along with take nominees for the 2023 board. Depending on the weather we are thinking about making the day a Club Fun Day with everyone bringing a sharable dish and playing with trains. Nothing has been finalized but we are still looking for someone to take charge of planning this event as it would be our Club Christmas Party.
For those that are not planning on attending the meeting and would like to submit nominees for the 2023 board, please use the link below to submit your nominees. Otherwise, nominations will be taken during the meeting. Voting on the 2023 board will take place during our January 7th meeting.
Don’t forget member dues are due by our January 7th meeting. For those that are full member or a nominee for a 2023 board position your dues are due before voting takes place during our January 7th meeting.