First workday recap of the 2020 season - Saturday, January 18, 2020
Written By North Georgia Live Steamers
Our first official workday of the 2020 season took place this past Saturday as we gathered at an offsite location near the railroad. The group of about a dozen built more than 200 feet of track panels, finished pieces for 6 switches, cut railroad ties, dropped everything off at the railroad and lunch at our favorite Subway location.
Our next club activity will be on Saturday, January 25th and 26th as we travel to the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History museum for Trains! Trains! Trains! event. Then our next club member meeting will be on Saturday, February 1st at 1 p.m.
During our January 18, 2020 workday we made frog guards for our switches. This video shows us making a modification to the guard in the mill.