Inner West Loop & LaVay Bridge Project

LaVay Bridge on the East side of the railroad when it was being used for loading and unloading.
As many of you know we've been working on completing the inner west loop of the railroad which includes installing a bridge that had originally been located at our old home nearly 20 years ago. When our current railroad was being built one of the bridges from the old railroad was repurposed to get trains on and off the railroad. As the story goes one of our members LaVay was looking to be one of the first to run his train on our new railroad but needed a way to get his train from a trailer to the track. Here is LaVay's account of the events that ultimately created the "LaVay Bridge".
"As I looked around the track, I saw a potential to use a trestle from Duluth, a couple of used track sections, some blocks, a metal ramp and a siding to create a stationary loading ramp. As the time for running trains approached, I wanted to run one of the first trains. So, using my truck and trailer as heights limits, I dragged the old trestle over. Built a ramp with blocks and dirt. With help from club members and grandkids the ramp was ready to go."
Since then our railroad has grown but LaVay continued to use the bridge to load and unload his train each time he came to the railroad instead of using our new loader. A few years ago, onsite storage became available for his train which meant the bridge use was no longer needed. That was until a few weeks ago when the project to complete the Inner West Loop began.
LaVay recently shared some pictures of what the bridges looked like when it was at the old railroad site. The bridge will soon be installed in its new home on the Conyers & Hightower Trail Railroad as part of the inner west loop. Come help us reposition this “historic” bridge in its new home this Saturday, September 21, 2019.

Pictured (Top Row): James C., Peter C., Gene L., Rick K., Bob C., Scott M.
On Train: LaVay S.
Front Row: Ben K., John T., Joe F., Bill L.
Not Pictured: Norm W., Wayne L., and Robby M.