Annual Membership Renewal Electronic Payment

For those looking to renew annual membership and pay electronically please select the appropriate item below. Note that all payments electronically come with a 3% fee already added to the total. If you wish to pay via check or cash, please mail payment to the address below or pay NGLS Treasurer directly.

Full Member Renewal- $75 Annually. Payment due by first Saturday in January to be eligible to vote. If paying electronically a 3% fee has been added to the total.

Associate Member Renewal - $50 Annually. Payment due by first Saturday in January. Must live outside a 100-mile radius from Conyers, Georgia. If paying electronically a 3% fee has been added to the total.

Junior Member Renewal - $25 Annually (must be 12 - 18 years old). Payment due by first Saturday in January. If paying electronically a 3% fee has been added to the total.

New Lifetime Member- $5,000 one-time payment. If paying electronically a 3% fee has been added to the total.

Payments can be mailed to:

North Georgia Live Steamers

P.O. Box 1809

Conyers, GA 30012