North Georgia Live Steamers

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Train Ride Day Recap for Saturday, April 29, 2023

What an incredible day we had on Saturday and a big shout out to our members and volunteers who made the day such a huge success. The railroad operated with six trains which included NGLS diesel, NGLS steam engine, Gene’s Berk, Peter’s 10-Wheeler, Wes’s electric steam engine, and Norms diesel. We also had the use of some extra riding cars from Dave E. and Norm. Sam and Norm ran the station with our new PA system while Susan, Charlotte, and Joan took care of the waiver table and concessions. Rick handled our ticket booth while Ben took care of the steaming siding and napping area. The rest of the NGLS crew took care of being conductors and railroad operations. This helped us have the biggest single day passenger count on record giving 711 rides on the railroad within a 3 1/2-hour period. That’s more than 200 riders per hour. This means our trains traveled around the railroad about 15 times throughout the day traveling nearly 15 miles.

Again, the day would not have been a success without our members and volunteers. A special thanks also goes out to our many visitors, and we look forward to seeing each one of you around the railroad again soon.