North Georgia Live Steamers

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Passenger Line project workday recap for Saturday, August 21, 2021

This past Saturday, August 21st was another product workday. The crew which consisted of Rick, Ben, “Bob”, Gene, Scott, Norm, Peter, Tyler, and Robby where able to set forms for the remaining 170’ of track, crusher run for about 130’ feet and about 90’ of track. With the progress the crew made we are so very close to completing the passenger line project just in time for our re-opening plans for our first public run day in two years.

Meanwhile, Scott continued to work on the new drain coming out the yard and filled in some washout we had with all the recent rains near the bridges.

With all that has been done one more workday with a good size crew would complete the passenger line project. Our next scheduled workday will be on Saturday, September 11th but one is being discussed for Saturday, September 4th so be on the lookout. Speaking of scheduled events our annual “Summer Night Run” for club members and invited guests will be on Saturday, August 28th.

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